View Full Version : #Correction - 2 buildings, Málaga and Sevilla (Spain)

Jun 22, 2006, 4:58 PM


"La Giralda" is only the name of the tower of the "Catedral de Sevilla". The tower and the rest of the building are the same building. Because of that I think is better to change the name of the diagram to call it "Catedral de Sevilla".

In addition, the eight of the tower is not real. The eight of the cathedral is 97, but in its top have a statue (spire) wich is 4 meters tall. So, la catedral de Sevilla is 101 meters.


Thank you.



Is imposible that the Catedral de Málaga was 98 meters because the tallest cathedral in Andalucía is the Sevilla cathedral.
Málaga cathedral is only 84 meters.


"La Catedral estaba proyectada con dos torres, que debían medir 84 metros de altura, aunque solo fue acabada una."
"The cathedral should have two twin towers 84 meters tall, but only one was finnished."

Thank you.

Jun 22, 2006, 5:53 PM
Do you have a source for the statue height? I've put it in right now as:

roof: 97.5
spire: 101.5

I need a source, otherwise I have to change it to an estimate.

BTW, I took your drawing out of the primary, since it's not the right height anymore. Change it and resubmit please.


done, but again, you will need to change your drawing.