View Full Version : Il y a des gens de mauvaise volonté, ... et il y a des cons.

Apr 23, 2007, 2:28 PM
si vous avez 5 minutes à perdre dans votre vie, prenez ce temps pour lire ce texte ridicule.


Apr 23, 2007, 2:52 PM
Du grand Galganov..

Son déménagement en Ontario ne semble pas avoir calmé ses ardeurs anti-Quebec.

Un beau torchon d'un individu a mettre dans les vidanges qui ne reflète aucunement la pensée de la plupart des juifs québécois.

Apr 23, 2007, 3:02 PM
What else do you expect from Howard Galganov? Notice how nobody listens to him anymore...

Anyways, how seriously can you take a guy who can't even spell the word Muslim???

Galganov sounds like a whiny little biatch!

Apr 23, 2007, 3:04 PM
si vous avez 5 minutes à perdre dans votre vie, prenez ce temps pour lire ce texte ridicule.


Ca veut meme pas la peine d'y perdre 5 minutes.

Galganov est un toton notoire et lui donner de la visibilité, c'est jouer son jeu.

Apr 23, 2007, 3:38 PM
J'ai pas copier son texte ici juste pour pas donner de la visibilité.

Mais quand on déblatère comme ça sur ma ville et province je peux pas rester muet... le pire c'est qu'on lui donne une tribune.

Apr 23, 2007, 4:16 PM
What else do you expect from Howard Galganov? Notice how nobody listens to him anymore...

Anyways, how seriously can you take a guy who can't even spell the word Muslim???

Galganov sounds like a whiny little biatch!

FYI: The word Moslem is an uncommonly used though acceptable variant of Muslim in the English language.

This article is a joke.

Apr 23, 2007, 4:25 PM
Ayoye, j'aurais pas du lire ca!!!
Par contre, certains faits sont vrais, par exemple que la communaute juive montrealaise a connu toute une hemmoragie.

Apr 23, 2007, 4:41 PM
C'est sur... mais ... mais ... mais... ugh ca vaut meme pas la peine.

Apr 23, 2007, 6:16 PM
Je retiens 2 choses:

1- Si le Québec sombre dans l'immobilisme, c'est parce qu'il n'y a plus de juifs.

2- Qui mange de la marde ! À chaque année, je donne 200$ à une hôpital. L'année passée je l'ai donnée à la Mtl Jewish et je suis ce qu'on appel un québécois de souche. Une chance que la fille qui a receuillie mon don était pas mal plus sympathique que lui.

Apr 23, 2007, 6:33 PM
Le pire c'est qu'il se victimise et victimise sa communauté, mais ce qui est bizarre c'est supposément c'était les plus puissants-roi-et-maîtres et ils sont partis parceque persécutés à cause d'une loi de langue, ça tient pas.

Apr 23, 2007, 6:44 PM
les grandes business dont il parle et qui ont fermé, la plupart c'est plutôt la mondialisation/délocalisation qui est en cause, surtout dans le textile. dans le cas de ben's, c'est la gérance médiocre et la piètre qualité de la cuisine qu'il faut blamer. pour ce qui est de Steinberg, si je me rappelle bien, c'était des chicanes de famille et d'héritage.

rien à voir avec la loi 101. quel démagogue.

Apr 23, 2007, 8:06 PM
Il y a bien d'autres niaiseries sur son site Web. Je le lis régulièrement, non pas parce que je crois ce qu'il raconte mais parce que je crois que c'est important de comprendre comment les cons pensent...

Kilgore Trout
Apr 23, 2007, 8:55 PM
the site isn't loading.

did he actually try to argue that steinberg's closed because of bill 101? that's absurd! steinberg's was one of the first non-francophone companies to comply with the original language law. people picketed it because it had unilingual french signs! as elsonic said, its demise had more to do with family disputes and mismanagement than anything else. the same thing happened to eaton's.

FYI: The word Moslem is an uncommonly used though acceptable variant of Muslim in the English language.

what i find strange is that it's always anti-muslim bigots who seem to use the term "moslem." do they think it sounds scarier?

hockey rules!
Apr 23, 2007, 9:41 PM
Il est vraiment con se personnage! Il fait juste CHIER sur Montréal et le Québec et s'imaginer des choses qui sont fausses.:hell:

Apr 24, 2007, 12:00 AM
the site isn't loading.

did he actually try to argue that steinberg's closed because of bill 101? that's absurd! steinberg's was one of the first non-francophone companies to comply with the original language law. people picketed it because it had unilingual french signs! as elsonic said, its demise had more to do with family disputes and mismanagement than anything else. the same thing happened to eaton's.

what i find strange is that it's always anti-muslim bigots who seem to use the term "moslem." do they think it sounds scarier?

at this exact moment the page loaded ...

he argues that Quebec is source of all evil for jews, and everything the jews did here is now undone... or some bs like that.

Apr 24, 2007, 1:02 AM
Pourquoi vous vous en faites tous avec ce texte? C'est aussi divertissant que d'écouter Jeff Fillion ou encore un film de Michael Moore, ou encore d'écouter une émission de Rush Limbault, et en plus, c'est gratuit!!!

Il y en a partout des critiqueux qui ajustent les faits pour faire croire que leurs conspirations sont vraies. C'est juste comique de les écouter/lire, et de rire un peu.

Apr 24, 2007, 1:15 AM
I agree with him. There is nothing innaccurate about this article or what he has to say.

BTW, nowhere did he actually try to argue that steinberg's closed because of bill 101. I don't know where you got that from.

Apr 24, 2007, 2:01 AM
I agree with him. There is nothing innaccurate about this article or what he has to say.

BTW, nowhere did he actually try to argue that steinberg's closed because of bill 101. I don't know where you got that from.

His entire whine-fest was about how the french did this, and the french did that. He mentions Steinberg, and that they closed...I fund it funny how he "forgets" to mention why Steinberg did close???

I'm sorry you feel this way chris...does that mean you'll be leaving us as well?

Apr 24, 2007, 2:13 AM
His entire whine-fest was about how the french did this, and the french did that.

Habsfan you don't realize he has a point?

Apr 24, 2007, 2:32 AM
He has a few correct stats, but overall his article is full of false links.

If textile mills are now closed, it's not because of language laws, but because of mondialisation.

If Montreal's factories all closed, it's not because jews left, but because the factories were old and not needed anymore.
If Steinberg closed, it's mostly because of poor management ( by jews!!).

And if jews left to Miami, it's probably because they were old and wanted some sun.

Apr 24, 2007, 2:43 AM
Graupner he doesn't link Steinberg or the textile mills to anything, I don't know where you get that idea.

Apr 24, 2007, 2:47 AM
I agree with him. There is nothing innaccurate about this article or what he has to say.

BTW, nowhere did he actually try to argue that steinberg's closed because of bill 101. I don't know where you got that from.

There you go...

I told you Malek that giving exposure to Galganov was a bad idea.
Those guys make a living out of spewing insanities and having people react, thereby generating an audience.

The absolute best thing to do with the to completely ignore those Galganoids...

Apr 24, 2007, 2:51 AM
JCC: Well now you know who's commenst you will ignore in the next heated debates.

And one of the most ridiculous stat is the 60k jews, which are more like 100k now.

Apr 24, 2007, 2:59 AM
I agree with him. There is nothing innaccurate about this article or what he has to say.

Not being a "tricoté serré" yourself, how can you live in a city that is so racist ? Who knows ? Your own community must be the next target of "those frenchies" genociders ? If it's not already going on !!

Apr 24, 2007, 11:00 AM
les grandes business dont il parle et qui ont fermé, la plupart c'est plutôt la mondialisation/délocalisation qui est en cause, surtout dans le textile. dans le cas de ben's, c'est la gérance médiocre et la piètre qualité de la cuisine qu'il faut blamer. pour ce qui est de Steinberg, si je me rappelle bien, c'était des chicanes de famille et d'héritage.

rien à voir avec la loi 101. quel démagogue.

Right on. C'est exactement ce que je me disais.

Apr 24, 2007, 11:11 AM
I agree with him. There is nothing innaccurate about this article or what he has to say.

BTW, nowhere did he actually try to argue that steinberg's closed because of bill 101. I don't know where you got that from.

Why do you live in Quebec? Why aren't you going back to Italy if you're living surrounded by a bunch of racist nazis jew-slayers?

Apr 24, 2007, 11:16 AM
Didn't Kilgore post an article a few months ago saying that the Quebec Jewish community was healthy and growing? I assume that would contradict the Galganator's thesis.

Apr 24, 2007, 12:45 PM
Habsfan you don't realize he has a point?

Like Graupner already mentionned...he does have a few statistics correct, but besides that, this is a bi.tch-fest! Nothing else! Also his stat of 60,000 jews in Montreal is wrong... the number is closer to 100,000, which is still a very important community in this city...probably the 3rd or 4th largest after the Italians(225,000) and the people of arabic decent(250,000)....

Apr 24, 2007, 12:48 PM
I agree with him. There is nothing innaccurate about this article or what he has to say.

BTW, nowhere did he actually try to argue that steinberg's closed because of bill 101. I don't know where you got that from.

T'es un extrémiste de merde qui encourage un individu membre d'une organisation terroriste nommé la Jewish Defence League, interdite en Israel.

T'es un extrémiste de merde qui encourage un individu que les communautés anglaise et juive Montréalaise ont reniés et avec laquelle ils refusent tout entrevue, ce qui fait que cet individu est maintenant obligé de jeter son fiel contre les francophones sur des blogs/sites obscurs.

Pour ta culture personnelle, car tu ne sembles pas en avoir beaucoup:

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has described the Jewish Defense League in Congressional testimony as a "violent" and "extremist" group. In a sidebar in its "Terrorism 2000/2001" report, the Bureau said, "The Jewish Defense League has been deemed a right-wing terrorist group." It identified the group in a 1999 terrorism report as the perpetrator of several bombing and arson incidents that took place between 1980 and 1989. Mary Doran, an FBI street agent, described the JDL in 2004 Congressional testimony as "a proscribed terrorist group," though Doran also acknowledged that she is not involved in "policy and administrative decision-making processes." In 2001 JDL leaders Irv Rubin and Earl Krugel were charged with planning a terror attack against the office of Arab-American Congressman Darrell Issa. [8].

(from Wikipedia)

Apr 24, 2007, 1:28 PM
Hey Chris see what happens when you dare point out the truth..back to Italy you racist paisano.

Apr 24, 2007, 1:31 PM
Galganov has zero credibility. He is a total buffoon, and a hatemongerer.

Apr 24, 2007, 1:44 PM
Serge, ce thread n'amenes rien de tres instructif ou de tres constructif... je voterais pour la fermeture...

Apr 24, 2007, 2:23 PM
I second that. This is degenerating.

Apr 24, 2007, 2:36 PM
En effet... et on est loin des grattes-ciels sérieusement...

Apr 24, 2007, 2:40 PM
je vois pas ou est le probleme, il y a meme pas de chicanes.

Des threads constructifs y en a pas beaucoup sur SSP de toute facon.

Apr 24, 2007, 3:16 PM
PhilippeMtl, you're the extremist.

Apr 24, 2007, 3:34 PM
PhilippeMtl, you're the extremist.

Voici une réplique digne d'un enfant séquelle qui stagne en maternelle. J'adore.

Apr 24, 2007, 3:41 PM
ok, les amis, c'est l'heure de la sieste.

Apr 24, 2007, 3:45 PM
je suis pas DU TOUT d'accord avec Chris, mais quand d'autres lui répondent de retourner dans son pays, je me dis qu'il a peut-être raison.

Apr 24, 2007, 6:43 PM
Hey Chris see what happens when you dare point out the truth..back to Italy you racist paisano.

it might be the truth according to you and Galganov, but then again, both of you seem to be delusional!:rolleyes:

Apr 24, 2007, 9:22 PM
What part of the article is inaccurate? P.S. do some research on the Steinberg saga the truth is out there. Oh by the way who owns the Montreal Canadiens?

Apr 24, 2007, 9:27 PM
who cares about who owns the Canadiens.

Apr 24, 2007, 9:59 PM
je suis pas DU TOUT d'accord avec Chris, mais quand d'autres lui répondent de retourner dans son pays, je me dis qu'il a peut-être raison.

Non mais qui serait assez con pour vivre dans un endroit où le gouvernement à l'aide de loi et autre te persécutent. La preuve que c'est faux y vit encore içi.

Apr 24, 2007, 10:13 PM
Non mais qui serait assez con pour vivre dans un endroit où le gouvernement à l'aide de loi et autre te persécutent. La preuve que c'est faux y vit encore içi.

They stay so they can bring about change...what use are they if they just move out? Nothing because it doesn't solve the problem.

Apr 24, 2007, 10:44 PM
Isn't this site suppose to be about skyscrapers? If you people want something to be outraged about, how about the news that the city of Montreal is now announcing a surplus of 140 million after predicting a deficit of 400 million earlier this year. Where did this surplus come from ? Why did property taxes skyrocket? What was the need to have parking meters working on Sundays? Why did public transit fares go up? oh yeah I remember the city is broke.

Apr 24, 2007, 11:46 PM
What part of the article is inaccurate? P.S. do some research on the Steinberg saga the truth is out there. Oh by the way who owns the Montreal Canadiens?

Almost all of it!

You seem to be the only one here who thinks that Steinberg closed because of bill 101, or the french fact...I think you'Re the one who needs to brush up on his history!

Whoi the fvck cares who the Habs belong to? I certainly don't! Whether he be jewish, indian or a german...it doesn't change a thing...as long as he spends money on the team, that's all that matters...

Who here ever bitched about Gillett??? The guy is loved...the call him Uncle george!

Apr 24, 2007, 11:50 PM
The point is I think that this negative attitude towards anglo or jewish or whatever community that isn't yours needs to stop...for the sake of Quebec society. Telling people to leave or to go back where they came from isn't a good start. Aside from Galganov's error with regards to the size of the Jewish community (92,000 not 60,000), there was nothing wrong with his article. He might sound "bitchy" to some...but his bitchiness has a point.

Apr 25, 2007, 12:14 AM
The point is I think that this negative attitude towards anglo or jewish or whatever community that isn't yours needs to stop...for the sake of Quebec society. Telling people to leave or to go back where they came from isn't a good start. Aside from Galganov's error with regards to the size of the Jewish community (92,000 not 60,000), there was nothing wrong with his article. He might sound "bitchy" to some...but his bitchiness has a point.

No it doesn't, because he just lumps everything together, when not everything had to do with the Rise of French in this province!

Apr 25, 2007, 12:19 AM
No it doesn't, because he just lumps everything together, when not everything had to do with the Rise of French in this province!

Well he doesn't say that! Geez this is like the 5th time in 1 freegin' thread that somehow people link two things together that aren't linked in the article!!! He's talking about the racism/negative attitudes...not about the rise of French!!! I know who Mr. Galganov is and I know what he stands for, but this neagtive reaction to his article is unwarrented...much like the negative reaction many communities in Quebec receive. I think you guys are just proving his point.

kool maudit
Apr 25, 2007, 12:32 AM
i would prefer to hear about this from the head of a bernard street synagogue or a chassidic immigrant from france than from an eighties hampstead angryphone.

Apr 25, 2007, 1:17 AM
Well he doesn't say that! Geez this is like the 5th time in 1 freegin' thread that somehow people link two things together that aren't linked in the article!!! He's talking about the racism/negative attitudes...not about the rise of French!!! I know who Mr. Galganov is and I know what he stands for, but this neagtive reaction to his article is unwarrented...much like the negative reaction many communities in Quebec receive. I think you guys are just proving his point.

Because of ethnocentric nationalism and Quebec's hysterical drive to eliminate the English language and culture from its midst, Quebec has done itself enormous damage in ways that cannot be fixed.

The goal wasn't to ewliminate english, but to PROMOTE french, and idiots like Galganov just couldn't accept that!

Far more than a quarter of a million English speakers have left Quebec since the 1970's, specifically because of Quebec's draconian language laws.

Hey, the way I see it, these people didnT' want to live with French people around them! Tough tities!

Quebec's leading French newspapers of the day wrote articles about Jews that would have made the Nazis' propaganda newspaper Der Strmer proud.

Nice, comparing the French Newspapers to Nazis!! Real nice. You don'T call that sh.it? I do! All he's doing here is trying to provoke. He's a sh.it disturber!

We prospered. They prospered.

Yeah, real properous! When everything belonged to anglo's...we propered alot back then!

Everyone was happy. But all of that dramatically changed when far too many French Quebecers started pointing fingers at others (Anglos and the Jews) for their own failures.

More sh.it spewed from his mouth! Had it not been for the Quiet Revolution, francophone Québeckers wouold never be alowed to be leaders in the business community!

There were Jewish billionaires, world acclaimed Jewish doctors, professors, scientists, writers, performers, engineers and significant service companies owned by Jews.

There are still Many, many, many important jews in Montreal. Ever heard of David Azrieli, Steven Bronfman, Robert Libman, Mitch Melnick and many more? Somehow, our dear friend Galganov forgets to mention that!

Montreal was the heartland of the "Schmata-Trade" (clothing industry), which competed with New York, Paris and London. Jews owned textile mills, dye-mills and factories which employed tens of thousands

Funny how he doesnt mention that all those cities lost amny jobs in the textile industry to cheap labour in China and India??

The Steinberg Grocery chain was Quebec's second largest employer, second only to the provincial government of Quebec, employing more than 30,000 people just a generation ago.

Like I said before, he lumps Steinberg in with all of his crap...insinuating that it was the fault of the francophones that Steinberg went the way of the DoDo bird, when in fact it was the Steinberg family itself that imploded!

At one time, Jewish entrepreneurs owned Montreal's most important television and radio media (CFCF).

So what? They sold it, and probably made a handsome profit!

Montreal's former Jewish community has moved to Toronto, Miami, New York City, Los Angeles and anywhere else where they don't have to feel second-class, and where they are free to be visible, and are not punished for being successful.

Talk about Bull-Sh.it! free to be visible elsewhere? This is the kind of crap that really gets to me. If the jews in thei city were't allowed to be "visible" then how do you explain todays parade down René-Lévesque Boul by teh jewsish community? How do you explain that during the 7 or 8 months of warmth we have in this city, that Jews congregate on the corner of Peel And rené-Lévesque almost everyday...for what reason? i don't know. But they are there, and besides the Palestinians who are on the other side of the street, nobody really pays any attention to them. Live and let live! This fvcking moron(Galganov) spews his porpaganda and people like you gobble it up!

When I visit Montreal, which is very often, I lament at all that is gone. Especially those Jewish landmarks and once famous restaurants either owned or frequented by Jews, the likes of: the Brown Derby, Miss Montreal, Ruby Foos, The Stage Coach, Dora's, Piazza Tomasso, Pumpernicks, Ben's etcetera.

Again, he doesn't mention that Ben's closed down because of a labour dispute...the restaurants own employees couldn't take their standards anymore...plus the fact that the food wasn't that great and the service had goten so bad(i went there with Serge 3 years go...that was the last time i was there!)

Funny how he omits that one of Montreal most celebrated and most popular restaurants belongs to a jew...ever hear of Schwartz's!!! Now there's a way to run a place. Good food, Good service, and ALL Montrealers love the place!

Also, AFAIK, Ruby Foo's still exists!

And when I visit the Montreal Jewish General Hospital where I was born in 1950, I can hardly recognize it as being a Jewish hospital, since the patients it now treats are no longer in the majority Jewish.

...and we are the ethnocentric nationalists??? What, just because it's called the Jewish General, other NoN-Jews aren't good enough to be treated there? How about if the Montreal General refused to treat Jews...Imagine the kind of shit that wold hit the fan!

Also just a few years ago, former Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu was invited to speak at Montreal's Concordia University by Hillel (a Jewish students' group), but his speech was cancelled because the Montreal police sent too few officers to control an extremely hostile Arab/Moslem mob. Jews who were in attendance to hear Netanyahu speak at this open forum were jostled, punched, kicked and spat upon while the police looked on.

How was the police to know there would be a riot there? As far as I Know, Both Jews and People of Middle eastern decent fought each other and caused the "grabuge"...you do understand what "grabuge" means? he makes it sound like the Jews in the Riots did nothing...more of his lies.

Several years ago (1996), while I was heading QPAC (the Quebec Political Action Committee), a convicted murderer (FLQ Quebec Separatist Raymond Villeneuve) who was out of jail, but still fomenting hatred towards English speakers, but specifically against Jews, published his newsletter with a caricature of me dressed as a cowboy with a Star of David on the front of my hat, a hangman's noose in the background, a French Quebec patriot pointing a gun to my head, and a caption that read in French: "Cowboy, this town isn't big enough for you".

Well, Villeneuve like all of his FLQ buddies did their time, and Québec society doesn't pay any attention to them...just like we don't pay attention to this moron! he tries to make it soud like all québeckers were walking around the streets of Montreal chanting "death to all the Jews"! I mean, c'mon...i can't believe you can't see through his lies!

The Montreal Jewish General Hospital (JGH) was built with Jewish money, and has been maintained from its inception with many millions of dollars annually, donated through legacies and trusts from the Jewish community who have long since died.

But there are many Jews who still reside in Montreal, or who have family living in Montreal, or people like Anne and myself who live outside of Quebec but still use the hospital, who contribute to the JGH every year.

It's no secret that the province of Quebec, especially amongst the French community, is the least generous in terms of charitable donations in all of Canada. Therefore, it takes no great imagination to figure out that the JGH receives virtually nothing from the non Jewish French speaking community.

With that said; Montreal's French speaking community is not shy to use all of the services of the JGH, and demand that they be treated and spoken to in the French language.

So what? Other Hospitals in Montreal were built with money from other communities(including the French Majority) Do you hear the other communities refuse access to these hospitals to the Jews? NO! On top of that, calling us "cheapskates" is a real nice argument on his behalf!

1 -- Because of anti-Semitism, Jewish medical graduates couldn't practice or intern in most of Montreal's Christian hospitals. So, they left to become doctors in other cities and countries, many went to the USA, most of whom never come back.

I'd really like to know when was the Last Time A QUALIFIED Jewish Doctor was refused a Job at the Montreal General Hospital??? When??

2 -- At the time when the JGH was built, the Montreal Jewish community was quite observant and ate Kosher foods which weren't available at any hospital in Montreal. Also, to Jews, many of whom who had just survived the Holocaust, sleeping in a bed under a Crucifix was extremely unsettling.

Why is it that my grand-father who did survive another genocide(perpetrated by Muslims) didn't have any problems going into a hospital where they had Crescent Moons? Cheap excuse! Just another proof that some, not all, but some Jews like Him(Galganov) are just as intolerant towards non-Jews as he's making us sound to be!

A short while ago, two French speaking ambulance drivers went to eat their lunch in the Kosher cafeteria of the JGH. There are signs everywhere in French that say this is a Kosher area.

But, when asked to take their food out of the cafeteria because it was not Kosher, they refused. And then they were shown the door.

As a result, the ambulance drivers went to the Quebec Human Rights Commission and filed a complaint for discrimination.


The JGH could have fought the fine in court, and would have probably won. But instead, like all appeasers, the decision by the JGH was to pay the fine and build a non Kosher area.

It was discrimination! He said it earlier himself. The Jewish General serves more non-Jews than Jews...everyone should have the right to eeat in the cafeteria if they want...yet, he would prefer to segregate everyone....like the good old days!

Where there used to be about 150,000 Montreal Jews (1970's), there are now about 60,000.

We've been over this...there are 100,000 Jews In this City, not 60,000!

My belief is that the powers that be within Quebec, are far too ignorant of other people's cultures and the long-term damning effect their racist language laws will have on the province as a whole.

Yes, we're a bunch of ignorant bastards! Imagine if André Boisclair had said that the Jews in Québec were ignorant and rascists!!! I can just imagine the kind of storm that would create!

I find it funny that he doesn't mention all the newer Jews who have arrived in this city. From many french speaking parts of the world like Morocco, France, Algeria!

I have a few friends who are of Jewish decent, they grew up in this city, and have never felt persecuted by the "Ignorant french majority". They have lived here most or all of their lives, and they speak french fluently... They seem to get along with everyone...but here I thought the Jews in Montreal were persecutede and were being treated like second class citizens:rolleyes: !

Like I said...Galganov is a hate mongerer, and attention junkie and a moron...why do you think he left Québec? Nobody paid any attention to him anymore, and he could accept that, or the fact that French was now the dominant language in this province!

Good riddance!

Apr 25, 2007, 1:25 AM
No I don't think you read the sorry saga of what happened when Steinberg was put up for sale,find out the role the Quebec government ,the unions ,the nationalist played to keep Loblaws out of the province.Does the word SOCANAV mean anything to you? P.S. I never said Steinberg closed because of bill 101. get your facts straight before shooting off your mouth(pardon the language)

Apr 25, 2007, 1:33 AM
No I don't think you read the sorry saga of what happened when Steinberg was put up for sale,find out the role the Quebec government ,the unions ,the nationalist played to keep Loblaws out of the province.Does the word SOCANAV mean anything to you? P.S. I never said Steinberg closed because of bill 101. get your facts straight before shooting off your mouth(pardon the language)

from Wikipedia...

Trouble started brewing for Steinberg's after Sam's death in 1978, his laissez-faire dealings with the union and lack of a succession plan for the company began its decline. Things worsened rapidly when a power struggle developed between his daughter Mitzi, her husband Mel Dobrin, daughter Marilyn Steinberg Cobrin and daughter Evelyn Steinberg.

By the early 1990s, rising costs and increased competition were taking their toll, and in 1992 Steinberg's was placed on the auction block for an estimated $1.5 billion. The Ontario-based Loblaw's chain initially attempted to acquire Steinberg's, a move blocked by the Quebec provincial government on nationalist grounds. They arranged for the firm to be purchased by Socanav, a shipping firm with no experience in retail. The Socanav-run Steinberg's foundered within a couple of years, and again, Loblaw attempted to buy the chain. They were again foiled by the Quebec government, who arranged for Steinberg's to be purchased by its two major local competitors Metro Richelieu and Provigo. To avoid accusations of monopoly, Metro and Provigo sold a few former Steinberg stores to IGA. The Miracle Food Mart and Ultra Food & Drug stores in Ontario were sold to A&P Canada, who converted the Miracle Food Mart stores to its "A&P" and "Dominion Store" banners. The enlarged Provigo chain was eventually purchased by Loblaw's a number of years later.

Like I said, the demise of the Steinberg name was due to family affairs. THe gov't didn't want it to be bought out by and Ontarian Company...so what!

Apr 25, 2007, 2:02 AM
Steinberg was one of the largest buyer of produces in Quebec, farmers were almost tied to Provigo.

The reason to refuse Loblaw the sale is to protect the local farmers, Loblaw had its own chain of supplies which didn't include Quebec farmers.

When Loblaw bought Provigo later, it provided guaranties to keep buying local, but I don't know what happened with that.

Apr 25, 2007, 4:28 PM
Howard Galganov a un talent admirable pour dire quelque-chose et son contraire presque dans la même phrase. Il peut dire que tout accomodement raisonable (ou non raisonable) fait aux Musulmans est monstrueux et encourage les Musulmans à nous imposer leurs croyances mais tout accomodement raisonable (ou non raisonable) refusé aux Juifs est raciste ou antisémite. Il peut dire que la loi 101 qui veut protéger la langue française est raciste et ethnocentrique mais quand les Américains veulent faire interdire l'espagnol, c'est tout à fait justifié. Il traite les Arabes de tous les noms et les accuse de tous les crimes mais quand quelqu'un critique Israel, c'est un antisémite. Stéphane Dion a la citoyenneté française: c'est terrible! John Turner a la citoyenneté britannique, c'est correct!

Je crois que M. Galganov a beaucoup de respect pour lui même et ce qui lui ressemble. Il est anglophone, donc l'anglais est la seule langue que l'on devrait promouvoir. Il est juif alors les Juifs forment le meilleur peuple au monde (je ne veux pas dire que les Juifs n'apportent rien au Monde, bien au contraire. C'est d'ailleurs dommage que le projet de Musée Juif est été annulé, on aurait peu en apprendre davantage sur la contribution de ce peuple). Galganov n'aime pas la France, alors il faut bannir la double citoyenneté française. En résumé, il est très fort pour rationaliser les faits pour prouver tout ce que ça lui tente de prouver.

Si je m'intéressais à la psychologie, je pourrais le trouver fascinant...

Apr 25, 2007, 10:05 PM
Chris : il y a un nom en français pour ton genre -et Galganov. On les appelle les fouille-merde.

Apr 25, 2007, 10:36 PM
bon, passons à autre chose...

Apr 26, 2007, 12:06 AM
Chris : il y a un nom en français pour ton genre -et Galganov. On les appelle les fouille-merde.

And there's a name in English for you're type: Ignorant.

Montreal (438)
Apr 26, 2007, 12:39 AM
Guys take it easy on each other why are you getting so worked up over what some pig wrote in a paper were all adults arn't we???

kool maudit
Apr 26, 2007, 12:58 AM
galganov and his ilk have been superceded.

Apr 26, 2007, 1:10 AM
It would be interesting to see statistics (real ones from StatsCan) regarding Montreal's Jewish population.

The 2001 census lists 88,765 Jewish people in the Montreal CMA but that is only based on declared religion. Even comparing that number to old figures would be misleading because fewer and fewer people are declaring their religion in the census.

There's no "Jewish" category in the visible minority section. They do keep track of "ethnicity" (based on a bunch of overlapping terms like Canadian, English, Irish, French, French-Canadian, Acadian, etc.) but I'm not sure where that is.