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mr.x Feb 7, 2010 8:33 AM

MEMORY LANE: Where were you when we won the 2010 Olympic Bid?

Nostalgia...6 years, 7 months ago: Wednesday, July 2, 2003

I just finished my first year of high-school, and went to GM Place really early that morning to watch the announcement. I recall it being an incredibly warm and sunny day...when I opened my backdoor, there were seven raccoons going at my garbage: it was a sign of special things to come. :haha:

Video Link

"Here I Am" bid video
Video Link

nova9 Feb 7, 2010 9:17 AM

I was at GM Place. It was awesome. I remember it being so sunny and kinda hot. I got in line only to get a call from someone I know that worked at ticketmaster offices and they took me into the suites.

I can't believe it's finally here.

Yume-sama Feb 7, 2010 9:30 AM

Watching on TV, unaware before that day that Vancouver had even bid for it :P

Then I thought how cool it might be to get to go to the Olympics!

Of course, back then that was a bit of a pipe dream.

SpongeG Feb 7, 2010 9:54 AM

i have no idea i don't remember probably at work

zivan56 Feb 7, 2010 10:06 AM

At home getting ready for a trip to Europe later that day.

EdinVan Feb 7, 2010 11:08 AM

At home, wondering why some people thought the day was as special as the day they graduated, got married, or had their first child. (And no, "civic pride" was not the main reason that came to mind.)

SpongeG Feb 7, 2010 11:38 AM


i don't remember this event but i remember where i was when michael jackson was found not guilty

ckkelley Feb 7, 2010 3:11 PM

I was at work, scouring the news sites for info. Like everyone else that day, when I got word that Salzburg was out, I thought it was in the bag.

Little did we know how close we came to losing.....

satishreddy Feb 7, 2010 6:43 PM

I was at Canada Place. CTV was was doing a live show with Pamela Martin and Bill Good, with Jimmy Pattison as special guest. There were on the order of 100 people there. When Vancouver was awarded the games, people went crazy.

jsbertram Feb 7, 2010 7:04 PM

Right in the thick of it.

A bunch of us met at a friends place in Yaletown and walked up to GM place. This was WAYY TOOO EARLYYY in the morning, so we fortified ourselves with some Champagne Orange Juice.

We were in the first few rows of the lower level seats, but during a commercial break a friend working there ushered us on to the floor to fill up empty seats.
(gotta make the TV audience at home think the place is packed full). There we were just a few rows away from the central podium.

I still smile when I see the video of the floor crowd erupting, and there we are just as stunned & elated & wildly screaming as everyone around us. My memory is a little fuzzy, but I think we all called in sick & partied all weekend.

Does anyone still have the party kit they handed out when entering GM place?

I must have been a good luck charm, because I was in London in 05 July when a friend there convinced me to brave the crowds in Trafalgar for their announcement. I haven't found myself in any of those videos, but it was a much larger (and louder) crowd.

agrant Feb 7, 2010 7:06 PM

I was driving to work (EA in Burnaby), and was going east on Broadway at Fraser. I remember some people honking their horns.

mr.x Feb 7, 2010 7:11 PM


Originally Posted by jsbertram (Post 4686721)
I must have been a good luck charm, because I was in London in 05 July when a friend there convinced me to brave the crowds in Trafalgar for their announcement. I haven't found myself in any of those videos, but it was a much larger (and louder) crowd.

...yea, that victory party crashed when the terrorists got their way a day later with the bombings.

I remember being given a towel, a few pins, commemorative Province and Sun editions, and a packed breakfeast.

Denscity Feb 7, 2010 8:20 PM

Sitting in my rented house with my 4 anti olympic pseudo hippy roommates/friends in the "anti-olympic central" neighbourhood of east Broadway/Commercial Drive. I was the only one in the house who was for the olympics. We watched the announcement on tv and could hear cars honking the moment we won the bid.

GeeCee Feb 7, 2010 8:48 PM

In school out in the burbs.. found out about it later that day. :P I've still got my bid pin though..

jsbertram Feb 8, 2010 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by mr.x (Post 4686733)
...yea, that victory party crashed when the terrorists got their way a day later with the bombings.

I remember being given a towel, a few pins, commemorative Province and Sun editions, and a packed breakfeast.

And our good luck continued; Because we partied so much after the London win, our host & hostess missed their usual trains to take them to work the next day. They ended up on later trains that were held in the tube stations after the bombings. Other than jarred nerves everyone was fine.

djh Feb 8, 2010 12:45 AM

I was in GM Place hearing the announcement live. Jack Rogge took AGES to say "Vancouver" - I think he had trouble with the envelope or something. The suspense in the auditorium was unbelievable.

Whenever they play back that clip in news segments now, they always edit out the big pause so it sounds like one smooth sentence:
"The 2010 Winter Olympic games are awarded to...Vancouver".
It was more like:
"The 2010 Winter Olympic games are awarded to...

and we all had to double-take to see where he meant because his accent made it sound so different. There was a millisecond pause while we all computed...and then, INSANE screaming all around!


Pinion Feb 8, 2010 3:19 AM

My soon-to-be wife went on her last date with another guy to that announcement event at GM Place. I was at home feeling jealous. Shortly after, we started dating, and we're getting married in 2010. :)

johnjimbc Feb 8, 2010 3:30 AM


Originally Posted by djh (Post 4687154)
I was in GM Place hearing the announcement live. Jack Rogge took AGES to say "Vancouver" - I think he had trouble with the envelope or something. The suspense in the auditorium was unbelievable.

Whenever they play back that clip in news segments now, they always edit out the big pause so it sounds like one smooth sentence:
"The 2010 Winter Olympic games are awarded to...Vancouver".
It was more like:
"The 2010 Winter Olympic games are awarded to...

and we all had to double-take to see where he meant because his accent made it sound so different. There was a millisecond pause while we all computed...and then, INSANE screaming all around!


That's incredibly cute. Even without knowing that, I had picked up on the hesitation when watching the edited clips of the moment.

I actually have no recollection of it. That was during a really busy time of my life, and I probably was just busy with work.

I didn't live in Vancouver then, and had never visited. I really didn't know much at all about Vancouver. At some point even before I first visited I knew Vancouver would be hosting the Olympics in 2010, but I can't recall when I found out. I probably just heard it on the news or read it somewhere and mentally filed it away.

It's nice hearing of all of your memories about the announcement.

crazyjoeda Feb 8, 2010 4:00 AM

I was at GM Place; the place was packed and the atmosphere was awesome!! I've been super stoked about the games for years it has been amazing to see all the games related projects come together and now the seeing the world arrive in Vancouver and the excitement building as the torch comes down the home stretch; just 5 days left!! I was up at Cypress last Friday night looking down on the city I was thinking this really is the best place on earth!

wrenegade Feb 8, 2010 6:13 PM

Standing at the corner of Nicola and Coal Harbour Quay, on site at Waterfront place. I remember digging my old Nokia cell phone out of my carhartts when it buzzed, I got a text saying Vancouver had been awarded the games. Funny thing is I remember all of this detail but have NO idea who sent me the text. lol.

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