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Old Posted Aug 13, 2023, 12:01 AM
Sir610Jawnman Sir610Jawnman is offline
Proud Suburbophobe
Join Date: Jul 2023
Location: SE Pennsylvania
Posts: 21
How would you compare US cities' recovery from COVID vs. Great Recession?

Both the catastrophic events of the 2008-09 Great Recession and Covid-19 have put a damper on the momentum of urban revival/growth and the major cities in the US have come out of them differently. My home city, Philadelphia is right now the gold standard for urban recovery IMO (not a fact, so please don't call for a ban) and right now it's probably the most vibrant in history and Philly has come out of Covid better, cleaner, much safer, and a major tourist and migration destination as parts of the US continue to deteriorate due to politics. Compare now to Philly around 2009 or early 2010s, it's night and day. The city only made small gains after the Recession and if you were lurking on this forum back then you'd be envious of other cities making major overhauls and with construction booms while Philly just sat by and only copied ideas from other cities after they've been successful rather than innovating itself.

So do you think major cities (or your hometown) recovered better after Covid or the Recession? Or are any cities that have been permanently scarred by both? And not just Philly, but by my observations cities this round are doing better at recovery than in 2010 and we're seeing the likes of Detroit, St. Louis, and Cleveland make comebacks and reverse perpetual post-war decay. I mean, who would've imagined all the abandoned Downtown Detroit buildings redeveloped and filled in back then?
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