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Old Posted Nov 22, 2023, 9:59 PM
Arrdeeharharharbour Arrdeeharharharbour is offline
Cap the Cut!
Join Date: Oct 2021
Location: Halifax
Posts: 699
Originally Posted by coastalkid View Post
Agreed with the above.

I'm in real estate, and anecdotally, I have many friends and clients my age (early 30s) who have moved from the city to Wolfville, Windsor, Elmsdale, and the South Shore over the past couple of years. Most of them are able to work remotely, and housing costs in Halifax have become prohibitive for many of those who are early in their careers who want to own a home or start a family. I can see how there are now more of these types of people leaving for towns within an hour of the city, than rural Nova Scotians moving to the core for example.
I practically drooled yesterday looking at a listing for a house on North St. in Bridgewater at $189k. Though liveable as is, it really needs a full reno. This is a home project that many of my generation would have taken on themselves and simply viewed as an activity rather than a hardship or work. Many commute between Halifax and Bridgewater daily. I suggest that as the 103 twinning progresses and the commute becomes easier that house prices in Bridgewater will increase. If I were younger....
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