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Old Posted Mar 10, 2024, 12:42 AM
worldtrade2021 worldtrade2021 is offline
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From what is going on with 5 WTC and how construction has not started since fund allocation has not yet been finalized, it's possible that the order in which there will be a real start to construction of Two WTC is (in order):

1. anchor tenant is announced for whatever is the current design

2. committee meetings are held on allocating funding for any housing or hotel space in the tower

3. after construction is approved another meeting is held finalized funding

4. construction actually begins

Currently, not even step 1. has been reached. Previously, it was thought to be reached when 21st Century Fox Inc and New Corp expressed interest in 2015, before backing out in 2016. When step 3. is reached like it has been with 5 WTC is probably when there will start to be more guarantees about what the final design and construction time table will be like.

Regarding Larry Silverstein's plans, it is looking very possible that he will regretfully not see completion of this tower, if this story of another one of his projects is anything to go by:

Also apparently Marty Burger is no longer at Silverstein Properties

Burger was ousted as Silverstein Properties’ CEO in October and replaced by Silverstein’s daughter, Lisa. He was coy about his plans for the future, though he indicated that he wants to stay in the same line of work.

“Development is the lifeblood of New York City,” he said. “I’m excited about figuring out what I’m going to do next, but more importantly what’s going to happen in New York City.”
Marty Burger looks to be focusing on office to residential conversion, which could indirectly reduce competition of existing office spaces.

Hence for any news regarding Two WTC, it might come not from Larry Silverstein nor Marty Burger, but from Larry's daughter Lisa.