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Old Posted Aug 17, 2009, 2:20 AM
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HooverDam HooverDam is offline
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Originally Posted by PhxPavilion View Post
The problem with this idea is that we are in a desert, there will never be the amount of tree density and shade as Seattle or Denver which is why we have to focus more on architectural solutions. I know you don't like the indoor mall idea but there are ways you can adapt design to accommodate varying weather conditions.
There are quite a few trees in the desert, especially the Sonoran. In fact its the wettest desert in the world. Nowhere did I say we should have the dense type trees of Seattle or Denver either. We can plant lots more mesquites, palo brea, palo verde and the like. They'll take a good bit of watering to get established but then they can survive on rainfall. Big grassy lawns and non native trees are the problem water wise, not native trees.

Thats not to say architectural shade features shouldn't be pursued as well, they should. The Urban Form guidelines have whole sections on awnings, permeable pavers, orientating buildings to shield from the sun, etc. Indoor malls are a lazy solution though, they create dead streetscapes and a dull city.

EDIT: VVV Id like something like that as well, but I think another alternative for the land owners would be replacing the dirt lots with green space. That could be mini orchards, public gardens, small parks, etc.

Last edited by HooverDam; Aug 17, 2009 at 4:51 AM.
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