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Old Posted Aug 21, 2009, 4:21 AM
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HooverDam HooverDam is offline
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Location: Country Club Park, Greater Coronado, Midtown, Phoenix, Az
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Another idea I had was one for the Centennial. Sadly with the current state budget issues we'll probably have a pretty shittastic Centennial with very little accomplished for it. My idea was to create a "Centennial Statuary Walk" from City Hall to the State Capitol building of statues. I think in general the City has done pretty good with the public art program, but its all very abstract and 21st Century type of stuff. I like that very much, but this city needs a lot more of the traditional important guy turned into a statue sort of art.

So you could have 100 statues (or more, but that number of course seems fitting) between the City Hall and State Capitol of people who have been important to the City, State and County. The people who were more instrumental with state affairs near the state buildings, the city people near the city buildings, etc. You'd of course include plaques to tell what the person had done and it would perhaps serve as some bit of a connection between Downtown and the Capitol which we once had but lost so long ago. Plus it would maybe help people have a better sense of Phoenix and Arizona history which is fascinating but mostly unknown.
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