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Old Posted Sep 9, 2009, 3:02 AM
shreddog shreddog is offline
Beer me Captain
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Taking a Pis fer all of ya
Posts: 5,201
I first moved to Calgary in February of '94 because of the mountains (sorry McPaul) HOWEVER I have moved away a couple times and always moved back for the same reason - and it wasn't the mountains. Rather, I have continued to call Calgary home because unlike Toronto, London or LA - Calgary is still a work in progress.

What I most like about Calgary is that if you don't like something about, just wait a day because we're building a new city and it's bound to get better and you can join in.

I grew up in Toronto in the 70's and 80's when it was changing from a "WASPy dowager of a city where you could barely buy a drink on Sunday" to the exciting place it is today. Calgary reminds me a lot of that. And echoing Furry - er, Rusty's post, unlike other cities I've had the joy to live in, Calgary allows anyone - and welcomes everyone - to partake in that change.

"Step in, roll up your sleeves and get to work - we've got a city/future to build!"
Leaving a Pis fer all of ya!

Do something about your future.

Last edited by shreddog; Sep 9, 2009 at 8:38 AM.
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