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Old Posted Sep 12, 2009, 6:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Brandon412 View Post
Toronto is changing more today than it ever has before, IMO. Its transforming from simply the largest city in Canada to the newest, one of the most legally open (save for bars shutting at 2am) societies in the modern world with lots of boom left in it. Its burst onto the world scene in the past 20-30 years with vivid intensity.

Calgary I think benefits from being in Canada because it too is part of a society that has one of the best, freest, most respectful legal systems in the world. There is work to be done, but you cannot find many nations more civil and free than Canada. But I also don't see Calgary being the center of where that spirit comes from, its spearheaded in many regions instead of one. Quebec, for example, is an important part of the mosaic. Despite the Bloc being separatist, they did support gay marriage back in the day along with other forces in other regions. Calgary benefited from being part of the mosaic.

Gay marriage doesn't mean a lot to the average person, but it is more about the system in which Canada has and the respect for each other's personal freedom that not every nation has progressed on.

The list can go on and on. Calgary is lucky to be part of a greater nation that helps give it room to build on.
Great post
Git'er done!
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