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Old Posted Nov 19, 2009, 1:29 AM
MalcolmTucker MalcolmTucker is online now
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Originally Posted by gantenbein View Post
Because I doubt that CTV viewership -- especially those that frequent fora and respond to those polls -- are representative of the public at large. Just like I don't think your typical Sun reader is representative. At least I hope not.
CTV Viewership for 6 o'clock news is shockingly high. Over 300,000 eyes, 180,000 households. I would say that any self selecting sample (polls on wesites, story comments on news websites), have a selection bias towards angry people that inflates the 'con' side of all these issues at least by 2 times , likely more like 4 times compared to a scientific sample. While angry people vote at a higher rate than happy people, they have been angry in Calgary for a long time, and have been able to accomplish nothing.

As for all this "McIvor is going to bring us to a city on a hill" type stuff, I have to say pftt. There is little fat to cut. The only cuts available are to everyday budgets, of a 'do the same with less' variety. Sure, you can do that for a few years, delaying computer replacement, not rehiring loss through attrition, but eventually you have to pay the piper when you need to replace all your computers at once and you need to hire competitively during a boom, necessitating larger across the board wage increases by the Unions.

Calgary spends almost the entire budget on core services, a bit on things people don't want cut, like the Zoo, Heritage Park, etc and a bit on ancillary social agencies (like youth outreach, homelessness, some community health). There is very little stuff that would be a good idea to cut, which is why when Rick complains about taxes, he doesn't propose cuts to the operating budget.