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Old Posted May 6, 2010, 11:27 PM
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mwadswor mwadswor is offline
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Location: Tempe, AZ
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I'll start by saying I'm not a fan of this thread. I'm fine with CE discussions in CE and I'll jump into them whole heartedly there, and I started the general elections thread because elections specifically are something we should be discussing and spreading information about, I think. This forum should be reserved for development news about Phoenix, not political BS that's only going to incite agravation among members. It may be a stupid place to draw a line, but it's where I draw it. That said, until Sean closes this thread (please)...

Originally Posted by Vicelord John View Post
Instead of a state ID though, I thought it would be great if there was a federal ID which you had to have to be employed. Make employers log the ID number of every employee and do quarterly checks at workplaces. If an employer had someone unlogged or inaccurate, whack them with a huge fine. The appeal of moving to Arizona will dwindle very quickly.
It would absolutely have to be a federal law. This discussion, by the constitution, needs to be had at the federal level. Efforts like this cannot be a patchwork, they have to be coordinated among the whole country. The most obvious example is our next door neighbors. New Mexico does not require proof of legal residency to get a driver's license, and unless there's a massive change, it won't require proof of legal residency any time in the near future. Unless Arizona plans on closing our roads and airports to New Mexico (and other states without state IDs) residents just travelling through, those out of staters will still be able to be harassed for not being able to provide proof of citizenship.

Beyond any constitutional or racial issues, that is the most glaring practical deficiency in this law. There are no papers that you are required to carry or even have at all that prove that you are a citizen in this country. You cannot require that people provide proof of citizenship if you don't give all people equal access to a way to prove their citizenship that they are required to carry.

Originally Posted by Leo the Dog View Post

If I (a US born citizen) were to get pulled over by a police officer for an infraction and I didn't have an ID, proof of insurance, refused to speak one word to him (language barrier perhaps) could not sputter off a SSN, or any other way to prove who I am, should I not be detained for further questioning to figure out just who I am (whether I'm a fugitive or wanted for crimes elsewhere)??
You committed an infraction to get pulled over in the first place, you don't have a driver's license on you, no proof of insurance, and you're not speaking to the police office, that officer has more than enough cause to detain you right now without any additional laws.

What if I'm a passenger in your car, I'm not carrying any ID (because there's no requirement for me to), and I'm completely cooperative with the police, despite my freind driving the car being a douche. The officer, for whatever reason (because the law doesn't define one) decides that I look illegal. Should I go to jail just for being a passenger in a car and not having ID on me (which I'm not required to be carrying)?
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