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Old Posted May 6, 2010, 11:59 PM
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Originally Posted by CANUC View Post
Political pressure: The U.S. government must stop looking the other way when it comes to the Mexican government’s inactions on real political reform. This is where the real change will happen. The Mexican economy, depending on who you ask, is the 11th or 10th largest in the world. Let me repeat that, the Mexican economy is in or near the top 10 economies of the WORLD! There is no reason, zero, zilch, none, nada, that it cannot sustain a population that is only one third the size of the U.S. There is almost no middle class it’s either the haves or the have-not’s. It comes down to corruption, greed, and the cast system. There is no reason that a former Mexican President can walk away with nearly a quarter of a billion dollars in a Swiss bank and no one raises and eye brow.

The Mexican government is responsible for the condition of their citizenry, and they do not seem to care. The US is their largest trading partner which affords a lot of political leverage. This is where real change needs to happen. A transparent government in Mexico, would do to the issue of illegal immigration and drug trafficking what no US effort alone could even imagine.
I think people opposed to the law are creating their own hysteria and crying like none other over something they think might happen. Overreaction much? But the above quote I 100000000000000% agree with. It's the problems with the goverments and countries south of us that need to be fixed. If their own country was set up, as it should/could be, for the average (or even below average) person to succeed or lead a semi-fruitful life, we wouldn't have an illegal immigration problem. When I hear the Mexican president, presiding over a corrupt as hell country, speak out and condemn what we are doing in AZ/the US, I want to puke.

Plus we should legalize marijuana and tax it. That would help stop a lot of the problems we have with cartels and drug violence, not to mention increase our tax base. And I don't smoke, nor have I ever.
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