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Old Posted Mar 4, 2011, 5:37 PM
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Originally Posted by oldmanshirt View Post
Any plans to incorporate traffic calming on Commerce St? Seems like that would help to connect this proposed green space with the River east of S Alamo. I can't imagine reconfiguring the convention center would result in an overall loss of floor space, but it also seems a little inconsistent with the goal of expanding the space, and this would leave it with nowhere to go but over the freeway.

The vision for Durango looks great. If I'm reading it right they want to line it with residential, effectively extending the Victoria Commons area? Lastly, whether by design or just coincidentally, the ToA has been made much more central to the rest of the park, rather than sitting on the periphery with nothing much going on around it. Mixed-use areas need strong anchors, and the fact that they used an existing and universally recognized anchor speaks to the amount of thought that went into the plan.
They should build a tram, just like the old swiss sky ride that ran through hemisphere back in 1968.
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