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Old Posted Apr 14, 2011, 7:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Complex01 View Post
Okay first of all this is a forum. Being a forum its an open exchange of thoughts and opinions. Not everyone is gonna agree with everything and everyone. But being a discussion there will be things said that you may not like, but it is what it is.

Now to clarify my point. I have NOTHING against San Antonio growing. However I feel there is good way and not so good way to grow. I feel that a company who currently leases office space in a 14 story building and decides to move further out from the inner core does nothing for urban development. It pushes higher paying jobs away from downtown and puts them out in the suburbs. Yes there is a lot of development in that area, but the whole ingress/egress of the whole is just out of control. The only way to move about is with a personal vehicle. It takes what 15 to 20 min just to navigate the endless maze of parking lots, stop lights, and who knows what else.

Now I know no city is perfect but I would hope someone would try and reverse the trend here. I just personally feel sprawling suburban office parks do more harm then good.

Wouldn't it be nice to read "Local Company starts work on a new 40 story office in Downtown". Now personally I would love to read that. I know this is a suburban thread, but i am just saying. I would love to see a new tower in dt in sa.

After all it is a forum to speak ones mind. Good day...
I'm with you Complex01 !! I wish the beautiful Tesoro building was downtown and not in the super street town!
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