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Old Posted Jun 15, 2011, 5:13 PM
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freeweed freeweed is offline
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Originally Posted by suburb View Post
If regulations would stipulate wider lots with more space between houses, that would be a real killer for condos and row houses.
Space isn't really the issue. I know of plenty of older neighbourhoods with this kind of separation. Often even less. People used to shake their neighbours hands through the window.

The issue is coating the sides of our houses with plastic. In most recent fires, houses ACROSS THE STREET suffered damage, and in some cases have lit on fire. An these are wide suburban streets. No separation (other than maybe acreages) is enough to overcome the stupidity of plastic exteriors.

Kids pyjamas aren't allowed to be flammable plastic for a reason (but they used to be). Why we continue to allow this on our houses is mystifying. And why we actively discourage people from using something safer ... I was flabbergasted when told that no, I was not allowed to use anything fire-retardant on my house. No stucco, no fire-proof siding. I HAD to choose the least safe building material. This is just plain criminal. *Allowing* people to use unsafe materials is one thing - but actively denying someone from improving safety? Mind-boggling. Hence, Calgary continues to have multiple dwelling fires. Someone will have to be killed before things change substantially.
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