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Old Posted Aug 19, 2011, 5:59 PM
go_leafs_go02 go_leafs_go02 is offline
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One bonus for baseball is their season doesn't overlap with the Canucks. Imagine how much attention the "Grizzlies" would have got in Vancouver last year? Yes, baseball would also hurt for the first part of the season, but it wraps up the regular season right when the NHL resumes, and a Vancouver MLB team in the playoffs would likely dominate the sports media for the month of October if it were to happen.

It will always be a hockey-first City. That's a given, but #2 is up for grabs. Sorry, the CFL still isn't "major-league" and the MLS is a bit higher than the CFL due to the fact it's an American league mostly. But I think a Vancouver MLB team run properly in an awesome ball park could easily grab the #2 spot. Basketball would do well also, BUT they are always going to be facing up against the Canucks.
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