Thread: Windsor talk
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Old Posted Sep 1, 2011, 5:45 PM
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I think a while back they tried a Windsor subforum but it failed because there just aren't enough people here to support it. So all the Windsor talk was confined to the Windsor Construction thread.

Regarding your question, I don't think there's proportionally more "hate" directed toward the city at all. I've lived in Windsor, London, Winnipeg, and Brandon. In each of those cities, people have had the exact same attitude towards their city....they always think the grass is greener somewhere else. They're always quick to point out the negatives rather than the positives. On the flip side, I know many people who love Windsor and would never live anywhere else.

One issue in Windsor is the way that the city and suburbs constantly bicker. The best solution to this would be if the provincial governement would force Windsor to annex its suburbs...but they haven't because they're afraid of losing votes. Regardless, Windsor has a lot going for it when you consider the waterfront, the transportation network, the geographic location of the city, etc.

Part of Windsor's problem is that people from the rest of Canada don't even give it a chance - they automatically assume it's an extension of Detroit when in fact the two are so different. But the reality is, until Detroit seriously turns around, we're going to be stuck with dealing with their fallout.

The lack of development in town is a direct result of the recession and is nothing to be concerned about. Look back through Windsor's history - when the economy is down, it's really down. But when the economy is up, it's really up. Overall, I'm really happy with the job the mayor and city council have been doing and it looks like the city has a bright future for sure.
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