Thread: Windsor talk
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Old Posted Sep 1, 2011, 9:00 PM
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north 42 north 42 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Windsor, Ontario/Colchester, Ontario
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I am not one of those Windsor residents that always puts our city down, quite the opposite actually. I see amazing potential now for the whole region, city and county. We have the best mayor this city has ever seen, and I give him much of the credit for changing the way the city does business. These next few years will really change this city forever, and i'm excited to live here and enjoy the transformation from blue collar auto city to a modern diversified economy. Change is in the air everywhere, slow now, but picking up steam.
Just in the last year alone, there have been a cluster of new hi tech businesses set up in our downtown, which I find very exciting. I hope more people in town and from other areas start seeing all the changes taking place. Great things are coming.
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