Thread: Windsor talk
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Old Posted Sep 2, 2011, 1:11 AM
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Symz Symz is offline
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Hey guys, thanks for responding. If these only 3 of us here to have these Windsor conversations then so be it! Our conversations can be more constructive than the discussions at (those conversations usually quickly degrade to nothing constructive).

I read a few months ago in a Wndsor Star article that a high rise residential tower has not been built in downtown Windsor in over 35 years! (Portifino does not count as it's not in the core).

I understand Windsor is a boom or bust town, but development downtown has been slow. I never really understood why the city has never blossomed, you would think there's soo much potential for this city to be something more significant.

I also agree that we have a good mayor at the moment, but others would disagree. I am glad he is getting things done, instead of just spending money on studies etc. That never bear any fruit. Get it done Eddie!

What do you guys feel will be the impact of the downtown aquatic centre? I think Schmuel Farhi (sitting on the riverside property next to the art gallery) I think he is sitting on that land waiting to move on it after the centre is built.

How do you guys feel sbout the university coming back downtown? I think this will be great, as the core needs more ppl and foot traffic downtown.

Also, where do you think the downtown market should go? I think Pelissier is a fine spot, bupt others don't.

I think Blitz is right in saying the region competes with itself too much, there's too many strips malls and big box stores in the outskirts of the city or in the outlying county and it deters from downtown development.

A lot of ppl view downtown as having too many drunks, panhandlers and beatniks, they always say there isn't enough parking and not enough for families to do. (hopefully the aquatic centre will give families a little something to go down there for).

Always, thanks for the chat guys.
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