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Old Posted Sep 28, 2011, 6:34 PM
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NYguy NYguy is offline
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Of course, you always consider the source. But we don't have to agree with everything someone writes to read it.
UN To Build Massive New Tower in NYC

Written by R. Cort Kirkwood
28 September 2011

The new UN tower will encompass some 900,000 square feet and cost upwards of $450 million and perhaps even more. The present 39-story UN Secretariat Building and new structure (which will be no taller, say planners) will connect “with with an underground tunnel to facilitate movement between the two buildings,” the Heritage Foundation’s Brett Schaefer reported in early September.

Inasmuch as no one in Washington seems to know anything about it, Schaefer recommended that the Obama administration and Congress "request immediately all relevant details, plans, and cost estimates related to the transfer of the Robert Moses Playground to the U.N. and the construction of a new U.N. tower. This information should be provided to Congress, and the Administration should facilitate access to additional details and materials as necessary.”

Congress must also tell the government of New York that it expects to see information about the “financial implications of the real estate deal,” including a “detailed analysis of the project’s expenses and the anticipated financial implications for the U.S. federal government resulting from the property deal and new U.N. building and related costs through the U.N. budget.”
NEW YORK is Back!

“Office buildings are our factories – whether for tech, creative or traditional industries we must continue to grow our modern factories to create new jobs,” said United States Senator Chuck Schumer.