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Old Posted Mar 16, 2012, 5:08 PM
yaletown_fella yaletown_fella is online now
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Originally Posted by Gresto View Post
Depends on what you consider scary. Libertarianism, in its purest form, is as far right as you can go on the economic scale. No government intervention other than military protection of the land against outside attack. It's everyone for himself or herself. Anarchy. Vulnerable people are on their own and can rot as far as libertarians are concerned. It's like the credo of that vile woman Thatcher, "There's no such thing as society", brought to fruition. Sure sounds utopic to me.
This tired argument is pertinently incorrect.
Pure libertarianism is granting each individual maximum individual/business freedom so long as they don't interfere with anyone else's freedom.

There is also a lot of debate in the libertarian community regarding whether business monopolies should be prohibited by law. Moreover, I'd argue that industrial pollution (chernobyl anyone?) could be seen as violating the livelihood of others whereas selling replica china goods obviously isn't (provided that the seller mentions the AA/AAA grade of the product and promote it as the real thing) The entire reason the electric car was killed in N.A was due to corporatism ( a byproduct of the lobbyists of the liberal and conservative governments that have used the media to condition/brainwash most people on this forum)
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