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Old Posted May 8, 2012, 2:04 PM
Crawford Crawford is offline
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Originally Posted by Misterfreeman87 View Post
There you go, that was just the first offer I could find, a direct flight (incl. return) New York to Paris with XL Airways France for 542€ = 704$

I bet with some more research you could find flights even cheaper (not direct though)
No, this is before taxes. And it's unavailable from the U.S. anyways. This is through a European charter, (which usually require specific originating location in this case, CDG).

The cheapest commercial non stop between NYC and CDG over the next month is presently $1277. The cheapest one-stop is $1160 (and on an airline I wouldn't take).

So, given that a household typically consists of 2-3 persons, and given than median family income is 50k, it would cost minimum $2,500 for a couple to get anywhere on the continent from the cheapest possible U.S. origination.

That's a lot of money for the average Joe, which is why average Americans don't typically fly to Europe, and why typical Europeans don't typically fly overseas either, notwithstanding the SSP anecdotes about wealthy European McDonalds workers flying to Laos.
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