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Old Posted Jun 7, 2012, 3:49 AM
wwmiv wwmiv is offline
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Originally Posted by Jdawgboy View Post
Love Cichlids too and don't forget We have native Cichlid species here in our rivers as well, I caught a couple a few years ago in Barton Springs and had them in my pond. They grew fairly big and had that classic Cichlid shape. Also grew up with fish tanks and over the years have had everything from African Cichlids to Tropical to Salt Water fish. Dont have the time these days for a tank but I miss it.
You probably had sunfish. They're very similar to Cichlids in appearance, but aren't the same group.

As for the northernmost species, that would be Herichthys cyanoguttatus. It's range extends from central Mexico until the Rio Grande watershed. They can rarely, and I mean very rarely, be found north of that. These findings, however, are due to human (oftentimes pet) release. The conditions are actually not correct in these areas for reproduction or long-term survival, so they quickly die off.
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