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Old Posted Sep 17, 2012, 9:44 PM
MichaelB MichaelB is offline
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Originally Posted by Jdawgboy View Post
Remember taller is better from an environmental standpoint. What would you rather have a tall thin structure like the tower formally known as legacy or would you rather have a short stubby low rise building like the Monarch. Between those two buildings, from an environmental standpoint the White slinder tower not only has a smaller carbon footprint, it also doesn't retain heat like its shorter neighbor. When it rains, it produces less water runoff than the Monarch, and most importantly it doesnt cover as much ground. Give me twin 50 story point towers any day over a short stubby midrise in the Rainey Street District. Want to keep the charm, then hope we dont see anymore Monarchs built there.
Oh Jdawg....start laughing now... .cause this is Just kidding...

you will say anything to see a tall building built! You are not an envoirmenatlist.... that is just babble.... you are a size queen! LOL!
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