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Old Posted Nov 18, 2012, 5:09 PM
Snark Snark is offline
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Originally Posted by manny_santos View Post
It is fairly well known among long-time Londoners that live entertainment in London has dwindled in quantity over the past 15 years. The loss of The Embassy and The Brunswick Hotel were big blows
Hmmm... The loss of a couple of near-skid row dives playing local garage bands vs. the introduction of the 3rd most successful mid-sized entertainment facility in the world playing some of the biggest and most successful acts in the world. What happened to thinking big and getting out of the small town mindset?

Originally Posted by manny_santos View Post
....and most of the other clubs that previously had live music only have DJs now.
That's the common trend everywhere these days. That's not a London thing. That said, I know some folks in the local music scene in London, and it's doing just fine thanks. You aren't looking very hard I guess. Try the Music Hall for starters.

Originally Posted by manny_santos View Post
As for restaurants, I admittedly have not tried every single restaurant in London, but a well-respected restaurant publication (whose name escapes me) has commented year after year that London is best avoided if looking for good restaurants.
So what's your opinion, as opposed to this "unknown publication"? Where have been that you didn't like? Where haven't you been?

As for the sort-of-quoted assertion of your unrecalled-but-well-respected publication, that's an all-out lie. Period. But, hey that's just my opinion, so a very quick check on the web took me to the Urbanspoon website - where it lists over 120 restaurants with an 80% or greater rating. Tripadvisor lists over 100 with 4 or 5 star ratings. True, such stats are not from some food snob publication, but I would suggest that it would seem that you just might find a decent place to eat in the city - if one tried to do so.

I would suggest that the unrecalled publication that you refer to is not likely local but rather out of Toronto. The supposed reviewer likely never has visited London, as it is seen as unfashionable for such people to be outside of the Centre Of The Universe.

Perhaps their complaint is that there's no Mövenpick in London.
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