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Old Posted Jan 8, 2013, 9:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Arquitect View Post
As much as I would like those extra 30 feet, I really don't think the FAA would be flexible. They are notorious for shutting down anything they see as unsafe, and have a ton of power. Even if it is only 11', I really don't see them allowing it. I hope I am wrong, but after the whole Cardinal's stadium debacle, I know that the least important thing on the FAA's mind is the city and creating more interesting urban environments.
But how much of this FAA height restriction stuff is real and how much is completely bogus? I only ask because of the planes I can virtually touch that fly over the north end of Sun Devil Stadium and the planes I can virtually kiss that fly over Chase.

The Cardinals stadium was completely, 100% politics, it had nothing to do with FAA height restrictions. That was all 'who's greasing who's hands with what kind of bills' kinda deal.

And to add to that, a few months back I flew to Chicago (O'Hare) and we literally were a stones throw away from Willis Tower. I couldn't believe how close we were to their skyline. Why is it that's OK but Phoenix seems to be bogged down in this supposive height crap.
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