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Old Posted Mar 6, 2013, 5:45 PM
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Originally Posted by NME22 View Post
The investors haven't shifted anything. These are new investors with a different plan, who happen to already own a piece of property downtown. Makes sense to use the property you already have with some built in infrastructure and without additional environmental concerns that come with the railyards.

Not sure if your comment about pouring money into a lousy Sacramento team was rhetorical or not. The obvious reason would be that an investor would see big potential in an endeavor they put big money in.

OK yeah I understand why DTP is all the table and that this is as much about real estate as it is about basketball. Those putting up the dough get to call the shots. I'm OK with that --to some degree. It's still OUR city and we ultimately should get to decide. I'm not talking about a ballot measure as much as public opinion. Since there's just not a lot of precedent here and I don't know enough about the details I remain highly skeptical. I worry that the taxpayers of Sacramento are somehow going to get totally reamed in the transaction because our leaders are desperate and therefore easily manipulated and/or corrupted. And we DO have a history of that. We'll see. I really just want this whole Kings saga over. I can't wait for mid-April to come.
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