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Old Posted Mar 28, 2013, 2:50 PM
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anyhow, this threads yet again out of date, myself and two other forumers from SSC have launched in particular and relevant to this thread is the projects section: and if you want to fully grasp the projects across the whole metro, have a look at the project map:

To date weve got just over 200 in the project DB - after 3 weeks of launching, with about another 100 to go - only residential and only projects which are at a Planning Assessment, Approved or Rego & Sales stage (some are U/C).

Most of the big stuff which is U/C is in the forum: and we're gradually grouping projects by suburb and linking directly to forum threads.

I'll probably casually update construction pics over here (and SSC) but the main focus: cos it's much easier to manage in one place is on UM.

Note to mods: not attempting to boost traffic/what not - just that there is limited interest in stuff happening in Australia on SSP, and just trying to point out getting the info/data for those that want it is now a hellavu lot easier, if I've majorly broken any rules - no qualms if you delete this post

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