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Old Posted Jan 16, 2014, 2:16 PM
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NYguy NYguy is offline
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^ I'm still not even sure what he meant by that. With that guy, it could be an actual 100 floors, and not just 1,000 ft. Either way it would be supertall.

Originally Posted by Roadcruiser1 View Post
This building would need security. It did be a major target for terrorists since it will be shorter than the Burj Khalifa. She's number 2 ......
All buildings need security. I don't know what type of extra security you are referring to, unless you mean some type of bunker base. But terrorist aren't obsessed with skyscrapers. They have more than enough ways to get you, so we really should stop assuming that if a skyscraper is built, it will be the likely terrorist target. Especially with so many easer targets for the picking.

Originally Posted by a very long weekend View Post
this whole marketing blitz could be, at least partially, a ploy to force related to big for the site, in order to protect their investment timeline.
Related has enough on its plate. I would be more interested to see what Sherwood does with its land.

Originally Posted by King DenCity View Post
I knew 2014 would be interesting. And I expect more possible new tallest buildings for NYC within the year.
BTW we have 3 towers with the possibility for over 1500 feet. Nordstrom, Schvo, Hudson Spire. I'm telling you it will be a wonderful year!
Well, if this tower is developed along the lines of the "Hudson Spire" proposal, it would truly be the tallest in the City. Of all the current proposals, I can't really say with any reasonable certainty that any would be the tallest in Manhattan for a long time. Something approaching 1,800 to 2,000 ft probably would be though. We don't know how many other towers are in the works, how many will actually get built, which will be the last one of the current boom. But all of the other towers have predictable heights, based on demand. There really isn't that type of demand here on the west side (yet), so this would really be one of those "lets get crazy" developments, something extra tall just because. I think the City might need a little bit of that. Bring back the spirit of the Empire State.
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