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Old Posted Mar 1, 2014, 3:04 PM
elly63 elly63 is online now
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Had to laugh at this one the other day, then got to thinking.

Can't remember where I heard/read about it, but the gist of it was Quebec putting in a bid for the Winter Olympics. Fine and dandy, good idea. Then they said, because Quebec doesn't have a suitable hill for the downhill (which they don't) then they could hold the downhill at Whistler (maybe it was Lake Louise?) Then it said they could save some money because we already have two bobsleigh/luge/skeleton centres in Whistler and Calgary that we could hold them in Calgary.

That left me laughing, thinking, would they hold any events in Quebec? Then I got to thinking, why not? If they farmed out just those two events would it be ok? Or what about making it a Canadian themed Olympics instead of just a local civic Olympics. Isn't that what they are anyway, a country's Olympics rather than a city. Yes, the city name is out there front and centre but aren't they really about the country they are hosted in.

Logistics and security would be interesting, but maybe they would be lessened with things being less concentrated. Or maybe it would be more difficult to provide security over several far away locales.

They could sure save a lot of money by using already good facilities and not essentially wasting money on new ones. We really don't need another bobsleigh run especially when the team is concentrated in Calgary. Maybe some feel the need for an eastern training facility but in that case I think it would be overkill for the number of participants and size of the sport.

Don't know, just wondering what people think about it. One point, if anyone raises it, about IOC objections. Those guys are like FIFA, they have no rules, they are a law onto themselves. If they think it will be a safe (security wise), and more importantly money-making venture, they're in.
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