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Old Posted Mar 23, 2014, 6:43 PM
C. C. is offline
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Originally Posted by Crawford View Post
Probably because it's buses, and the Feds would rather fund light rail projects in Oklahoma City that will get 5,000 riders as opposed to bus projects that will benefit 100 times as many riders.
Crawford, I wholeheartedly agree!! The Federal Transit Administration should delve out transit dollars to where it is most needed and would benefit the most people. This is not the system in place today. A cost benefit analysis for the Port Authority Bus Terminal or any formula system that looks at hard numbers would be such a better use of federal funds than just pissing it away on places that don't even value transit.

Both Penn Station and the Port Authority Bus Terminal are an embarrassment as the gateways to New York City. They both need major capacity improvements and brought into the 21st century.

I am very intrigued at the proposal to extend the 7 line into Secaucus. That could reduce bottlenecks at Penn Station, PABT, Lincoln tunnel, NY Transit and PATH. It would also take a lot of idling buses off the streets of NYC.
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