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Old Posted Apr 21, 2014, 2:05 PM
S-Man S-Man is offline
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There was "graffiti" on the Bowery's sign that said something like, "something capitalist fascists".
So, we've reached a point where building homes for people to live in, in an area and manner that doesn't hard the environment, is 'fascist capitalism', whatever that is? Are all private property rights fascist, too?

Jesus. I think some of those anti-gentrification protesters from Vancouver have shown up in Ottawa.

While I agree that vandalizing youths are probably the most likely source of these latest incidents, there has been a higher rate of condo sales offices vandalized in the Little Italy area compared to other neighbourhoods (at least to my knowledge anyhow) Going back 2 years ago, the front windows of the Soho Champagne office were broken, the Hom sales office was vandalized, and shortly after the front of the Claridge Icon sales office was coated with paint (looked like someone threw paint-filled balloons at it). Now this year in a two week span, both the Soho Champagne and Italia offices are targets.
Having once attended a community Association meeting (and read many articles about others), there's always the white, middle-aged resident who still wants to Take The Fight To The Man.

Essentially, the addition of a new building to their neighbourhood becomes the Vietnam War, Berkeley campus, circa 1968.

Instead of young soldiers marching off to their deaths, their biggest concern in life has become their view, property values, noise, and the need for an unchanging, museum-like protection of their immediate surroundings. There's a sign on someone's property on Scott street that you can see if you're taking the transitway near Bayview station that has some Marxist-anarchist sentiment on it relating to development.

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