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Old Posted Jul 15, 2014, 4:22 PM
Wilcal Wilcal is offline
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Originally Posted by DTLAdenizen View Post
It will DEFINITELY look excellent again.

In my mind there are 2 big questions with every Broadway building:

Will we get an idiot tenant who leaves the building filthy and rundown (ACE HOTEL) to keep the 'cool, hip, grunge' look or will we get an excellent tenant interested in actually Bringing Back Broadway?

It's just a matter of time. When I moved Downtown I mistakenly thought the critical mass / restoration madness time would be 2014/2015, I now believe its 2017/2020.
Hang in there Hunter, I don't know the exact time frame but I believe your vision (the same as shared by many others) will happen. I think I am like you when I look at a building which is truly incredible lie mortally wounded by time and neglect, I can't help but think about its past, and how the people of that time interacted with the structure as it was an integral part of the city. You mention recently the RKO Hillstreet theatre, well I have books which show the theatre just before demolition and fronted with a sign which proclaims a new 40 story building to take its place (which of course never happened). I think of that theater, the Atlantic Richfield tower, the Victorian Windsor Hotel (all demolished in the early to late sixties) and of course many others, and think what in the Hell where they thinking? Oh and by the way, as far as the 'cool, hip, grunge' look taken on by Ace Hotel (and hopefully not others), it should more accurately be called the "cheap-out" look.
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