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Old Posted Jul 30, 2014, 9:26 PM
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This is potentially very big news:

Driverless cars heading onto British roads in 2015

Driverless cars will start appearing on British roads next year, ministers will announce on Wednesday.
The Government wants to change the rules to allow companies to start running trials of cars that do not need a human driver on UK streets, industry sources said.
It means the first computer-controlled vehicles will be seen on quiet British streets by January next year.
Ministers will update the law to ensure that driverless cars can take to the streets – a move which will require a change in the Highway Code.
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Also, remember that discussion a few posts back about insurance rates driving acceptability of vehicle autonomy?

Drivers are ready for self-driving cars: Survey
As autonomous cars edge closer to reality, a new survey found the majority of Americans are ready to hand over control to self-driving vehicles—so long as they're able to maintain a bit of control.

According to a new study by comparison-shopping website, three-quarters of licensed U.S. motorists would be very likely to consider, if not buy, self-driving vehicles. If they were offered lower insurance rates, that figure jumps to 86 percent.

"People are aware that they already drive cars controlled partly by computers," said Des Toups, managing editor at
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