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Old Posted Sep 18, 2014, 1:57 PM
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chris08876 chris08876 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Riverview Estates Fairway (PA)
Posts: 46,190
Miami Condo Developer Buys Denny Triangle Block For $18.5M

Miami-based luxury condo developer Crescent Heights wants in on all this Denny Triangle tower-building action. That's why they just paid $18.5M total to two different sellers on the northwest corner of Minor Avenue and Stewart Street. At just over six-tenths of an acre, the developer plans to turn that lot into either a "high-rise condo or apartment project." That's a prime location given what's coming to Denny Triangle. It's right next door to the Daola Tower hotel/condo project and walking distance from Touchstone's Tilt49 & Hill7 projects.
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