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Old Posted Jan 15, 2015, 8:40 PM
pierremoncton pierremoncton is offline
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Victor Boudreau pushing to save $600M in program review
Taxpayers warned that New Brunswick is 'on the edge of a fiscal crisis'

[Boudreau] also announced a 14-community tour where he will seek public input on potential areas to cut or how to raise additional government revenue.

Boudreau said in the report that significant changes will need to be made in order to reach the government’s financial targets.

“A cultural shift in New Brunswick is required. We can’t keep doing things the way we have been doing them and expect different results,” Boudreau said.


In the discussion document, the provincial government is asking citizens to come prepared to discuss three questions:

1.What does a thriving New Brunswick look like to you 10 years from now?

2.Thinking of all of the things government spends money on to provide the residents of New Brunswick with services, what are three things that you think government could stop doing to save money?

3.With all of the financial challenges facing our province, what three things do you think government could do to raise money?

I'd say amalgamation and the elimination (or reduction) of duality, but I don't even have a slight idea of how much these changes could save. According to commenters, duality costs trillions of dollars, but I don't know if I should trust them...
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