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Old Posted May 28, 2015, 5:24 PM
MalcolmTucker MalcolmTucker is online now
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If the city wants TODs not SFHs, they can stop zoning new land for SFHs. That would be a big incentive and cost nothing.

But I digress.

Why can't we just pay for infrastructure improvements through tax increases? It is like we are only fine with spending if we think someone else is paying.

As for TIFs gone wild, take a look at Chicago! So many districts they are pretty much pointless! There are even some districts that are entirely surrounded by other districts.
The first example of a Chicago TIF, the one that built the super awesome Millennium Park. The TIF did tonnes of things. Rebuilt theatres. Moved a bus station. Rebuilt Elevated train stations, gave money for heritage preservation.

Maps of TIF districts vs. not in Chicago

Last edited by MalcolmTucker; May 28, 2015 at 5:42 PM.
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