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Old Posted Oct 4, 2016, 2:34 AM
lio45 lio45 is online now
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Originally Posted by GlassCity View Post
You have a very pure definition of what being right-wing is. Most people's experiences with right-wing politics, from the Conservative Party and especially the Republican Party, is very different from the libertarian ideal of the right-wing.
The Republican Party isn't really right wing, or if it is, it's because you're warped your definition to fit the party. There's an actual Libertarian Party that fits the definition better. It's like you're saying the Democratic Party is the party of environmentalists, when you actually have a Green Party competing in the same election.

The GOP is a "conservative" party, sure.

In Canada as well, there are the (centrist, somewhat socially conservative) federal Tories, and there's the LPC (Libertarian Party of Canada) that also exists.
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