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Old Posted Feb 7, 2017, 6:54 PM
NorthStarsProject NorthStarsProject is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Posts: 38

Whoever says that SkyCity sold out all their high end suites are dreaming. They haven't even come close to selling.

I know this for a fact. 50% sold when? who bought them? They claim 50% months ago so I guess not 1 person has bought since then cause that slogan has not changed. They can say 90% but what does that really mean?

They have over 50% sold is like saying Jets tickets are sold out for every game but then magically tickets come available from TNSE on game day aside from those fans reselling their tickets.

If you think 50% are sold you have zero knowledge of how real estate schemes work such as Fortress and Sky City. You have zero knowledge what is really happening with your money that goes into buying these suites.

Similar to what drug money did in Miami when they had their real estate boom 20 yrs ago.

Tier II scenario is also mind blowing but not unexpected. Investors are actually buying into the property units to be resold for a guarantee 4% return until construction complete. Then they are promised 15% for the next 5 yrs or they can sell the unit on their own.

Sad scenario. Unites are not sold. Renters take up occupancy which drives down the value and Condo has disaster 2 years with lower than average approval rating. People will never invest in a condo downtown once its built. It will become a haven for out of town investors who have zero knowledge of the market.

This is why True North is doing it perfectly and is where people should invest to live. They have zero promises to investors. In fact they are not even selling it to investors unlike Sky City. They will roll out a model to the public soon which will provide adequate information and assurance of your living investment. The way it should be done.

Glasshouse is apparently a disaster for investors and already are jumping ship. Its by the far the most beautiful condo in Winnipeg so far but look at the market. Sky City just saturated it by all these fake promises. Small and cheap suites. Glasshouse has 2 worthy models. All other suites are useless and unlivable unless you rent which I am sure in 1 year price will be extremely high. Going as low as $950 for tiny suites. How many do you think really purchased those to live in full-time.

TNSE will beat Sky City in construction (if sky ever gets built) and will reshape the market with pricing and amenities. Sky City will have nothing on both TNSQ and GH. They have lost their anchors and just wait for their big announcement with out announcing the new grocery store chain.

Its only going to get more fun to watch the circus.
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