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Old Posted Feb 13, 2017, 9:15 AM
Marshal Marshal is offline
perhaps . . .
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Originally Posted by Acajack View Post
Complaining that a place is not diverse enough and judging it for being "too white" is currently a socially-acceptable urban hipster thing to say.

Complaning that a place has too many minorities and isn't "white" enough is a socially taboo, socially-unacceptable racist neanderthal thing to say.

And yet they're two sides of the exact same coin.
This is only true in the most superficial sense. Actually that isn't even true: it is a rational fallacy. The two sides of the coin only appear the same because of similar form, but the meaning of the nouns you use involve complexes of many different things (ideas, perceptions, values, definitions, histories, states of affairs . . . ) - and they differ from each other in both substance and context.

By the way, the expression involving the proverbial coin doesn't fit the point. Yes coins have two sides, but nowhere does that mean the two sides are equivalent. In fact, to state it without fallacy, no two sides of a coin are the same.

Damn, thinking is tricky!

As a post note: "hipsterism" is not an argument. And, if you are called a socially-unacceptable racist neanderthal for the things you say, you should ignore that source, as they are equally stupid in their form of argument.

The whole thing about "political correctness" is getting tired fast. This too is a stupid, mostly meaningless, phrase. You should neither say nor not say anything based on "political correctness" (whose correctness is this anyway). People are sounding off with bigotry in the name of opposing PC. Others self censor in that same name. Both are the thoughts of fools. You say things because you either believe them, know them to be true, have been convinced of them, or have given them thought and think they are the best you can come up with at that time. Opinions are fine, but they are just that. The only reason to inflate your un-proofed opinions as facts is if you are out to trick people. Facts are facts - not absolute truths, but statements of information that survive the tests we humans have been working on (philosophers, scientists, artists, and everyone else) for thousands of years. This is one of the first benefits we earned by settling down. Why throw it out now. The people who disregard the voice of science concerning Climate Change all accept science's voice in creating their smartphone, the spacestation, the airplane, the internet, graphic interfaces, and the billion technologies and materials of our age. Funny. Most of those things are more complex than the atmospheric data analysis which show our effects on climate. Warning - there is a lot of bullshit out there.

Last edited by Marshal; Feb 13, 2017 at 10:10 AM.
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