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Old Posted Feb 13, 2017, 2:31 PM
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Originally Posted by JHikka View Post
If we could get this thread focused back on statistics and StatCan releases that would be great, thanks.
This thread is rarely about statistics.

Originally Posted by Marshal View Post

The "all lives matter" expression is an intellectual embarrassment. You are hood-winking yourselves.
The embarrassment is that BLM exists because roughly %0.2 shootings were of black people by white police officers. Go ahead...look it up. Never mind the hundreds committed by blacks or the smaller number committed by whites. In fact, statistically, there should be a WLM since those same stats are pretty clear about who's doing most of the shooting and who's taking most of the bullets.

Now, in the U.S. there's a lot more to the story obviously. Here in Canada, though, no, there isn't. There is no systemic bias against blacks, Asians, whites, or anybody else in this country. Let's keep it that way. I know what you're going to say but is that because there's absolutely no reason for the police to be in those communities? BLM is a racist movement and people who support it in principle are fine but people who think it's a call to kill "whitey" can stay the fuck out of my country.

Oh, and who told you I was offended by BLM? I mean, I am because I know something about the leaders and speakers in the movement but what's really a shame is that you don't. More importantly, if you truly believed in equality and justice then you wouldn't narrow it down to equality and justice for some people based on genetic traits.
Giving you a reason to drink and drive since 1975.

Last edited by Spocket; Feb 13, 2017 at 2:42 PM.
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