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Old Posted Feb 22, 2017, 1:22 AM
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Originally Posted by rousseau View Post

But sure, you have to talk about numbers. It's one thing to welcome a dozen frostbitten Somalians into Manitoba, but it's quite another when five hundred thousand Mexicans decide to flee here en masse when Trump starts rounding people up.

But is that really going to happen, realistically? Mexicans aren't stupid. They're in the U.S. for the jobs, and they know that the Americans desperately need them to do the jobs that the 300-pound Cheetos-scarfing 30-year-olds fusing into their meth-stained couches aren't interested in doing. They probably know about the agricultural jobs in southern Ontario, but they also probably know that southern Ontario's vineyards and watermelon fields are a drop in the bucket compared to California plus Alabama plus Florida et al.

I have a hard time believing that hundreds of thousands of Mexicans are going to choose Canada instead of going back to Mexico. How realistic is that scenario?
I have no idea. But I do know there are about 15 million undocumented immigrants in the United States. A huge chunk of them are Mexicans it is true.

One percent of 15 million is 150,000 people.
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