Thread: Hawaii photots
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Old Posted Mar 13, 2017, 9:48 PM
surfer808 surfer808 is offline
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Posts: 11
Hawaii photots

ALoha from Hawaii. I started a thread a couple weeks ago but I wanted to mix it up with a variety of Hawaii photos I took over the last decade. I'm a professional photographer in Hawaii. I've been doing surf photography, wave photography, aerial photography and a lot of just landscape stuff. The difference between surf photography and wave photography is that surf photography is usually with surfers and wave photography is empty barrels. These types of photos are my favorite. I teach several photography classes but wave photography is definitely my favorite. I can't explain the feeling of being in the water while the sun is rising and capturing these awesome waves with the lighting so perfect. If you guys enjoy these images, I'll share one of my favorite shots I took a few years ago called "The Shot" which took me nearly 6 months to capture.

Would love feedback... Also, if you guys are looking for a particular shot of Hawaii, let me know and I'll try and post it (if I have it). I've got hundreds of thousands of photos in storage and I always enjoy sharing them. If I don't have a particular shot, give me some ideas and I'll try to get the shot. Either in the water or by drone.


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