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Old Posted Aug 18, 2017, 2:13 AM
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chris08876 chris08876 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Riverview Estates Fairway (PA)
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From a skyline perspective, at least it's not as visible unless you are looking at it from the angle of the rendering or on the street next to it. But it's not a tower-ruining blight really. It is there, and it's somewhat annoying, but I think the rest of the tower makes up for it. And we still got a long way to go.

Just compare post #4698 to the rendering in #4696 for an idea of status. Use 220 CPS as a reference point.

The biggest impact IMO from a skyline perspective is looking at it from NJ and from Northern Manhattan (think crossing the GWB for example). I could just imagine its impact relative to 432 Park from those angles/locations.