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Old Posted Sep 29, 2017, 8:29 PM
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Western Spaghetti Western Spaghetti is offline
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I'm voting for Smith, because it's the best chance to get rid of Spendshi. But yeah, his credentials are thin. Chabot is probably the best choice given his experience, and he seems a level headed guy. It's too bad it isn't a race between Chabot and Nenshi, it'd be an easy choice.

Originally Posted by Corndogger View Post
I'm really disappointed in the quality of candidates running and our joke 30 day campaign cycle doesn't help. I'm definitely not voting for Nenshi for a number of reasons. I'm also definitely not voting for Bill Smith which I'm sure will shock the hell out of Suburbia and some others here. Do people not know this guy's background?! Why is he being held up by some as a great candidate when he couldn't even run the PC party and was in charge of it when it fell apart? I also will not vote for someone who if I don't know what they stand for or what they plan on doing. I'd rather Nenshi win than Smith especially if we can get rid of certain councilors such as Druh.

I might end up voting for Chabot but would love to know more about what his policies are.
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