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Old Posted Oct 26, 2017, 2:05 AM
retro_orange retro_orange is offline
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Originally Posted by cornholio View Post
The Viaducts were not built as part of a highway. They were built to replace the previous viaducts that were there since early last century and were in need of replacement. The previous viaducts and the current ones crossed rail lines, roads, and industrial land bellow along with some marsh land.

The current viaducts traverse a choke point (which you can easily see) and handle a steep grade, they are a integral part of the transportation infrastructure of the area and lead into a future Malkin connector that will continue east.

The viaducts don't hinder development, they are seismically safe, they cost almost nothing to maintain, they continue to do their job and are functioning at capacity with the only choke points being artificially created at their ends within the past 10 years.

This council needs to go and Jerry Dobrovolny should be fired asap. He doesn't have the ethics to work in his position.
Not entirely true. The viaducts were rebuilt in order to accommodate highway traffic levels.
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