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Old Posted Nov 4, 2017, 12:25 AM
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Originally Posted by JACKinBeantown View Post
That building across the street has no ground level retail. Combine the residents of that building and this one and you have hundreds of potential customers for any business that would go into ground level retail of this building. Diners, dry cleaners, corner stores, and all the other non-high-end things that couldn't pay the rent at Pearl.

Please don't say you can't compare this area to New York or Boston. You absolutely can. It's urban residential. And it isn't even built up yet. Now is the perfect time to add the ground level retail necessary to make the neighborhood walkable and livable. Once you build something without it, you can't go back and add it retroactively. Not to sound preachy, but this is a good lesson for anyone on this forum who is a student of architecture or urban planning. Take it from someone who lived in New York City for 18 years... you need ground level retail!
The center of Pearl is literally a stones throw away. Why would Silver Ventures want to suck away from the center of the Pearl with ground level retail at these apartments? Silver Ventures is not dumb, they know what they’re doing.
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