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Old Posted Nov 25, 2017, 2:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Doady View Post
Patrick Brown has not been premier and yet he is already mired in scandals, which does not help with his "anonymity". He has to give people of Ontario something to associate with his name other than vote rigging and ballot stuffing. He needs more to his image than being a lawyer who cannot tell the difference between someone being on trail and someone testifying for one. Patrick Brown is more corrupt than Wynne, he has even less principles than Horwath, and he is a bigger idiot than both of them.
I really question how he become leader of the PC Party. But him being leader is the greatest gift the Liberals could ask for. Even though Wynne is not very popular many voters will see that the economy is doing well and not want to rock the boat. Brown is pretending to be a moderate and can't take a position on anything. A lot of Ontarians' first impression on him is "who the f@%k is this guy?"
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