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Old Posted Jan 13, 2018, 9:42 PM
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Originally Posted by esquire View Post
^ There still is a fairly significant Jewish community in Winnipeg. In recent years there have even been a good number of recent arrivals from the usual places (Russia by way of Israel, South America) to bolster the numbers. Of course, the population is dwarfed by Ontario and Quebec's totals, but in terms of sheer numbers it's about the same amount that there is in BC and Alberta.
Winnipeg is likely still the third most Jewish city in Canada, in terms of metropolitan areas, but it is nothing like what it was (it used to be said that it was the most Jewish city in North America except New York early in the 20th century -- even if that was not quite true it was certainly not hard to believe). Even when I was a kid the leaders of the Manitoba Liberal and PC parties were both Jewish, as were several of the top NDP cabinet ministers under Premier Schreyer.
crispy crunchy light and snappy
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